We’re more dedicated than ever to bringing much needed medical care to the people of Haiti
Each year, donations to MATH directly help us to reach the goals we set to assist those in need. For instance, through donor support, the first permanent clinic was opened in Port-au-Prince in 2016, allowing our mobile clinics to relocate to other villages desperate for medical care. And we were also able to fund relief efforts on two trips to Haiti following Hurricane Matthew in November 2016.
From our leadership team to the on-the-ground caregivers and other dedicated volunteers, all of us at MATH are reinvigorated each year to make a difference! MATH is entering an exciting and challenging time as we continue to move forward in our mission of Helping Haitians Heal Haitians.

Support Our Mission in Haiti
With donations from people like you, we can continue our mission to help Haitians heal Haitians. No donation amount is too small.

Fundraising Events
Come and enjoy for a good cause.
Please note event on purchase.

Restoring Sight of Haitian VIllages
Funding supports cataract surgery by a Haitian ophthamologist through Centre Medico-Chirurgical du Quartier / Hôpital Bellevue-La-Montagne.

Craft Festival & Marketplace
The location for providing a note in your on-line donation / payment is on the PayPal page after the $ amount has been input.